20+ Years Experience

Specialist Cellar Cooling Systems


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At Cellar Cooling Systems, we are committed to providing high-quality and reliable cellar cooling solutions that prioritise safety, efficiency, and customer satisfaction. Our dedication to excellence is reflected in our certifications and accreditations, which underscore our unwavering commitment to delivering top-notch services.

CHAS Accreditation (Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme)

We are proud to hold accreditation from CHAS, the Contractors Health and Safety Assessment Scheme. CHAS is a prestigious organisation that specialises in health and safety compliance. Our CHAS accreditation demonstrates our commitment to maintaining rigorous health and safety practices throughout every aspect of our cellar cooling system design, installation, and maintenance services. By adhering to CHAS standards, we ensure a safe working environment for our team and provide our clients with confidence, knowing that safety is our top priority.

Why Our CHAS Accreditation Matters

Our CHAS accreditation is of paramount importance because it:

Our Commitment to Excellence

At Cellar Cooling Systems, we are dedicated to delivering exceptional cellar cooling solutions that meet and exceed industry standards for quality, safety, and efficiency. Our CHAS accreditation is a testament to our unwavering commitment to this mission. We look forward to serving you with the highest level of professionalism and expertise in every cellar cooling project we undertake. Your satisfaction and safety are our top priorities.

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